Join Us!!
June 7, 2020
We are offering online research internships starting on 15th June, 2020. Applications may be submitted by 14th. For applicants who apply after the said date, internship will be contingent on the vacancy. The interns will be assigned to various groups, where each group will be working on a particular topic/ area. You can find the indicative list of areas below.
We will allot a group head for each area and the interns will be placed under them.
The list given is only indicative in nature and has only the broad areas we will be working under. We will try our best to give the intern an opportunity to work in their area of interest, however the final decision shall rest with the administration.
Interns Required:
30- may increase or decrease depending upon the quality of applicants.
Time Period:
30 days
1. Alternate Dispute Resolution
2. Constitutional Law
3. Intellectual Property Law
4. Competition Law
5. Taxation Laws
6. Human Rights
7. Covid-19 and the Law
8. International Law
9. Law and Humanities
10. Criminal Justice
11. Public Interest Litigation
12. Jurisprudence
13. Feminist Approaches to Law
14. Cyber Law and Artificial Intelligence
15. Maritime Law
The student must be enrolled in a full-time degree course. We accept applications from students from all years of study.
While assigning the area of research we will look at the past experience of the student in the area, however past experience is not a pre-requisite. If the area of law is your area of interest and you think you will be able to research and finish the allotted work, go ahead.
Selection Process:
The interns are required to fill the form. We do not believe that a CV or an SOP or for that matter an interview is a good enough selection process. We will allot tasks due every alternate day and the interns will be retained or removed after a review of their work on each task.
Tasks may involve anything ranging from research to summarizing existing work/cases/policies.
For further information email us at